God knows your heart and He is not as concerned with your words as much as your heart’s attitude and your desire to have a relationship with Him.Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.—Luke 11:9–10, ESV A prayer of conscious decision to receive Jesus’s free gift of salvation Lord Jesus, I want to know You. Even though I don’t know everything about You, I ask You by faith to come into my life and let me trust You. I surrender to You and invite You into my heart to become my Lord and Savior. I ask for Your forgiveness for any wrongdoings in my life. I believe by faith that You died for my sins, You rose again, and You are alive. I believe that You have special plans for me. Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit, which You have promised for those who believe in You. Help me to walk in my new life with You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, Amen. A prayer to re-commit your life to Jesus Lord Jesus, thank You that You are watching every step in my life. I thank You for dying for my sins. I ask that You forgive me when I don’t remember that You have control in my life. I want You to be Lord in my life. You know my desires and plans. I pray that You renew my passion to walk more closely with You. Empower me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can be equipped to do my best for You. Help me to fulfill Your purpose in my life. Thank You, Lord Jesus. I pray all these things in Your name. Amen. A prayer for restoration of intimate relationship with God Heavenly Father, I come before You with thanksgiving and a humble and grateful heart. Lord, You are the one who created me. You are the one who loved me so much that You sent Your one and only Son Jesus Christ to die for my sin. Lord, help me to trust in Your unfailing love and to do Your will. Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is given to those who place their trust in Jesus Christ. Lord, convict my heart and show me anything that is grieving Your Holy Spirit from effectively working in my life. Reveal anything that is blocking me from having a closer and more intimate relationship with You.Lord, if I am wearing any masks, I ask that You reveal them to me. Help me to remove my masks. Help me to stand firm and true to You and to others. Remove my pride, and help me to change. Renew my heart, restore the joy of my salvation in You, and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Lord, thank you for the hope I have in You. Use my life to give You all the glory and honor. I pray all these things in the power and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. A prayer for God to reveal any hidden mask of sin Heavenly Father, I come before You in all nakedness. You know everything that is in my heart even before I mention anything. Lord, I pray in Jesus’s name that You will help me through the Holy Spirit and reveal any masks I may be wearing. Help me to unveil them. Convict my heart to renounce and repent of anything that is stopping me from a closer walk with You. Teach me Your truth. Help me to walk in Your truth. Lord, let me live in Your truth. Change my heart to thirst after Your will and not mine. Lord, help me to hear Your voice and obey. I pray all these things in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. A prayer of repentance and confession of unveiled mask Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a compassionate God, full of mercy and grace. Lord, thank You for showing me that I have donned the mask of _________. Lord, I repent of my sin against You and ask that You, through Your Holy Spirit, will change my heart so that I will not keep this mask on. Lord, forgive me for being so prideful, so foolish, and even so afraid that I have to hide behind my mask. Lord, my trust and hope are in You. What can man do to me? Grant me the courage to confess and share with others about the mask I have on. Lord, I desire to walk in faithful obedience to You and not to please others. Lord, I surrender to You and ask that Your Holy Spirit will lead me to live in Your truth and obey Your will in my life. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen. A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for a renewed heart and relationship Abba Father, I praise You because You have answered my prayers to hear You in my life! Lord, I stand in awe of how mighty You are, yet You love someone like me. I was broken and You healed me. I was sinful and You forgave me. I was full of pride, yet You humbled me. I needed You and You are always here for me. Abba Father God, thank You for my new heart. Help me to love and serve others genuinely through Your set of eyes. Grant me a joyful spirit to serve joyfully and lovingly.Thank You for the relationship I have with You because of Christ Jesus. Thank You for giving me the confidence that Your grace is indeed sufficient for me. I praise Your name. May all that I do and all that I say declare Your goodness and give You all the glory. Lord God Almighty, You alone deserve all honor and praise. Use me Lord to shine so that Your glory may be revealed in me. In Jesus’ powerful name I pray. Amen. A prayer of faith to be filled with the Holy Spirit Remember that the Holy Spirit already dwells inside you if you have invited Jesus to be Lord in your life. “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Eph. 1:13, esv).The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to allow Him to fill you. Submit and yield to God’s Lordship. “According to your faith will it be done to you,” (Matt, 9:29). “He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). Ask and you will receive. (See John 4:10.)Just as I learned from Bill Bright, I suggest that you pray and surrender to God’s will. Then claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit as an expression of your faith in God’s command and promise. Heavenly Father, You are so full of love and grace towards me. I desire to have a more intimate relationship with You. I realize that I have so much hidden sin before You. I admit that I have not allowed You to be in full control of my life. I confess that I have been controlling my own life and not allowing the Holy Spirit to have full reign. I thank You that I can come before You and receive forgiveness because of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for me on Calvary’s cross. I now confess and turn away from any sins that are blocking me from You.I yield and surrender full control of my life to Jesus Christ. I want Him to be the master and the Lord of my life. By faith, I ask You to fill me with the Holy Spirit. You have commanded me to be filled, and I claim Your promise that You will fill me if I ask according to Your will and in the name of Jesus Christ.Father God, to show my faith, I want to thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and leading my life. I ask that You help me to continually yield my will to the Holy Spirit every moment of my life. Guide me to continually abide in You and obey Your Spirit’s leading in my life. I claim and ask all these things in the power and saving grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. |